

1 ewiki_ functions()
2 $GLOBALS pollution ($ewiki_ variables)
3 internal coding explained
      3.1 how ewiki operates
      3.2 used variables
4 Extension HowTo+
      4.1 the PlugInterface
      4.2 plugin tasks
    4.2.1 mpi plugins
    4.2.2 authentication/permission plugins
      4.3 writing your own plugin
      4.4 format_* / rendering plugins
    4.4.1 ewiki_format() internals
    4.4.2 the format_ plugin hooks
    4.4.3 $iii[] and $ooo[] block flags
    4.4.4 your own block markup plugin
      4.5 xpi plugin system
5 mysql database structure
6 Just using the wiki source transformation

  -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 --
prev << "README.programming"
next >> "ewiki_ functions()"

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