
the format_ plugin hooks

As denoted above, the ["format_source"] and ["format_final"] plugin
hooks are the simplest to work with, as both only get one parameter
(passed by reference) containing either the full WikiPage+ source
text or the already fully rendered <html> output.

The ["format_line"] and ["format_tbl"] hooks are also rather simple,
lookup their interface to know which variables you could modify.

The ["format_para"] and ["format_block"] plugins both recieve
either the $iii[] or $ooo[] and status $s[] array variables (plus
a few aliases and shortcomings). This makes these hooks look a
bit more complicated, but allows great flexibility - a "_block"
plugin could for example merge its $iii[] fragment with another
one, or replace itself with nothing.

To write a markup plugin, you should lookup the actual interface in
the 'ewiki.php' script or in this README. And don't forget that most
parameters are meant to be passed by reference to be useful!
prev << "the format_ plugin hooks"
next >> "$iii[] and $ooo[] block flags"

You cannot modify the INTERNALS file, but anyhow any ideas or suggestion should as usually get filed on BugReports, UserSuggestions or even better the INTERNALS.Discussion.