
Just using the wiki source transformation

The ewiki_format function was designed to be used independently from the
ewiki database.

  ewiki_format($wiki_source, 0);

It just needs the "wiki_source" as argument and generates a nicely
formatted page from it. All you need to take care about is the
$ewiki_links variable.
Set the $ewiki_links=true ("true" and not "1" or anything else) to
enforce ewiki_format() to treat all references as existing.

To separate the ewiki_format() function out of recent ewiki versions,
you'll also need ewiki_script(), ewiki_link_regex_callback(), ... and
a lot of constants to take with. It is often much easier to just
include("ewiki.php") for using ewiki_format(). You then should however
take care, that the _binary part doesn't get activated by accident. To
prevent this, just put following before the include() statement:


If you need it more quickly, or don't want to load the whole ewiki.php
file, then just try the fragments/wiki_format.inc, which is a stripped
down version of an older rendering core function (no WikiLinks+, no binary
stuff). Contributed by Frank Luithle.
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