
Your own perm plugin

If you merge ewiki as just one piece into a CMS which already provides
user authentication, then you could write a complete ["auth_perm"]
plugin as replacement for ewiki_auth() like this:

      $ewiki_plugins["auth_perm"]0+ = "cms_permissions";

      function cms_permissions($id, &$data, $action, $rring, $login) {

         $user = & $GLOBALS["logged_in_user"];
      #  if (empty($user)) {  $user = CMS_Context+::get_user_from_cookie();  }
         if (empty($user)) {  cms_print_login_form();  }
         $is_admin = & $GLOBALS["user_is_root"];

         $actions_allowed = array(
            "DEFAULT" => array("view", "links"),
            "root" => array("edit", "delete", "control", "admin"),
            "user2" => array("edit", "delete", "info"),
            "witch" => array("edit", "comment"),
            "..." => ...

         $ok = in_array($action, $actions_allowed$user+)
               || in_array($action, $actions_allowed["DEFAULT"]);
         $ok = $ok || $is_admin;
         if ($is_admin) { $GLOBALS["ewiki_ring"]=0; }


Instead of providing global variables your CMS may allow you to fetch
user state/settings via a function or class API. However this plugin
shows, how to ignore the $ring level stuff at all (but for the superuser
you should set it, because admin/ plugins rely on it).
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You cannot modify the ProtectedMode file, but anyhow any ideas or suggestion should as usually get filed on BugReports, UserSuggestions or even better the ProtectedMode.Discussion.