
What to do if images don't work

If you don't start the yoursite template with a <?php code part as
shown in the initial example but have some <HTML> tags before the
initial inclusion of the "ewiki.php" script, then ewiki cannot
handle binary content (like uploaded images).

You must ensure, that yoursite.php script starts with <?php and has
the include_once("ewiki.php") or include_once("config.php") there:

       mysql_connect(":/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock", "USER", "PW");
       mysql_query("use DBNAME");

       define("EWIKI_SCRIPT", "yoursite.php?page=);


       $content = ewiki_page();
      <TITLE><?php  echo $ewiki_title;  ?>
       echo $content;

Please again, note the initial <?php part before the very first plain
HTML output - yoursite.php must really start with it, or else binary
content (uploaded images) won't work!

You could, of course use a "binary.php" besides "yoursite.php", to
get around this problem; please see fragments/ for an example.
prev << "What to do if images don't work"
next >> "Creating a "config.php""

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