
flat file database

If you don't have a MySQL database, then you must configure ewiki to
store pages in a dedicated directory. You need to include_once() the
'plugins/db/flat_files.php' plugin prior to 'ewiki.php'. You must
also set the constant EWIKI_DBFILES_DIRECTORY+ to a location which
is world-writable ("chmod 4777 dirname" in FTP/shell). Usually this
would look like (in yoursite or a config.php):

   define("EWIKI_DBFILES_DIRECTORY+", "./pages/");

See README.plugins for more information on "db/flat_files". You can
also use the newer "db/dzf2" which creates a deep directory structure,
and seems to be a bit faster on some systems - moreover that one also
provided case-insensitive WikiPageLinking+ under Unix.
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