
tarball directoy structure

You get following directories and files, when you unpack the tarball:

README.*       main documentation
doc/           detailed doc on certain subjects
ewiki.php      the core script, contains the minimum wiki
config.php     example configuration script
example-1.php  example yoursite wiki wrapper
examples/      more sample layout wrapper scripts
plugins/       large directory with extension scripts
local/         empty, use for your own/modified plugins
fragments/     code snippets, separate files, often not very ewiki specific
init-pages/    holds default wiki pages, automatically transfered into DB
spages/        "StaticPages+" are dynamic/page plugins
tools/         database + administration tools, including SetupWizard+
wiki.css       description of CSS classes used in the core and plugins
z.php          interface for Wiki-RPC, WebDAV, ?binary=, OpenSearch+, sync, ...

Feel free to explore especially plugins/ and fragments/ somewhat deeper
with your favourite file browser. Every file should carry a little amount
of documentation on top. The README.plugins file is always somewhat
outdated and not meant to describe everything anyhow.

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You cannot modify the README file, but anyhow any ideas or suggestion should as usually get filed on BugReports, UserSuggestions or even better the README.Discussion.