
use with the 404 trick

Once I've implemented a way to run a web server below another one
(actually Nanoweb below Apache, for more details see
http://nanoweb.si.kz/), because the Apache on one of my providers
servers was heavily misconfigured - so I handed work over to a
secondary WebServer+.

This trick also works without mod_rewrite support, and is therefore
also well suited for cheap WebSpace+. Put following into the
.htaccess of the dedicated wiki directory:

  #-- handle "not found" pages by ewiki
  ErrorDocument+ 404 /wiki/index.php
  DirectoryIndex+ 404 index.php

This will allow the "yoursite.php/ewiki.php" script to catch all
missed files, which would usually trigger a 404 error. Inside your
ewiki wrapper script, you must then however decode the originally
requested URL:

  $url = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URL"];               # Apache often uses this one
  $url = preg_replace("#^/wiki#", "", $url);    # strip wiki subdir name
  $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"] = $url;                 # make ewiki see it

The second step is very important, it strips the name of the
dedicated subdirectory from the URL, which cannot be done inside

   The $url from the above example could also be used as $id
   parameter to ewiki_page().           

It should be noted, that some Apache implementations are garbaging
POST requests in case of a triggered 404 error - but you can simply
test this by saving a changed WikiPage+.

See also the "fragments/404finder.php" example on this.

Do not forget to enable EWIKI_USE_PATH_INFO+, as it is per default
disabled for Apache servers!
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