
Image Uploading

The currently most important use for the BINARY flag and image
functions is to upload images with the small form below every page
edit box.

The upload/caching functions can be disabled fully if
EWIKI_SCRIPT_BINARY+ and EWIKI_CACHE_IMAGES+ are set empty (or zero).

URLs starting with "internal://" represent the uploaded files. The
string is just a md5() sum generated from the contents of the
uploaded file. This way files won't get saved another time if they
are uploaded twice.  For uploading a JavaScript+-capable browser is
recommended. It will work without, but then requires the user to
copy the internal://... text (from one window to another).

The color of the temporary upload info screen can only be changed
inside the ewiki_binary() function, currently.

Beware that images usually get downscaled if they are larger than
specified with EWIKI_IMAGE_MAXSIZE+ (per default 64K).
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next >> "Images Caching"

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