
Security considerations

ewiki was developed using a PHP5 interpreter, but with limitations of PHP4.3
in mind. There are huge differences (a rather instable, bug-prone and still
unfinished language) across the 4.x versions of PHP. The 4.0 series is not
enough to run ewiki, you'll need at least a PHP 4.1 (4.07) to make it work

One must also know, that there are also differences between the settings of
providers. Some for example enforce users to run their scripts in so called
"safe mode" (crippled mode) in place of real server security guidelines.
Other still use pre-4.3 settings for the PHP interpreter (the Win4 php.ini
still is outdated). So take care, and adjust settings using .htaccess`
php_option for Apache servers if you can.
prev << "use with the 404 trick"
next >> "PHP settings (register_globals)"

You cannot modify the README file, but anyhow any ideas or suggestion should as usually get filed on BugReports, UserSuggestions or even better the README.Discussion.