
Supplying the WikiPageName+

If you just call ewiki_page() as shown in the first example, it will
try to get the name of the requested WikiPage+ either from the
$_SERVER["PATH_INFO"] variable or from one of the GET-variables '?id='
or '?name=' or '?page=' or '?file=' (available as $_REQUEST["name"]). 
If yoursite.php however uses another way or another varname to receive
the WikiPageName+ you can just give it as first parameter:

  ewiki_page( $id = "WikiPageName+" );

example-4.php shows how this can be used to list a second WikiPage+
(the list of newest pages) somewhere else on yoursite.php.
prev << "Generation of a "monsterwiki.php" script"
next >> "mod_rewrite or PATH_INFO"

You cannot modify the README file, but anyhow any ideas or suggestion should as usually get filed on BugReports, UserSuggestions or even better the README.Discussion.