
simple usage restrictions via wrappers (a locked PersonalWiki+)

The easiest way to cripple a Wiki setup to be browseable-only for the larger
public, and to allow only a small subset of users to edit pages is to write
two wrapper scripts around the ewiki.php library.

One of the wrapper scripts should include and use ewiki as described in the
"Integration with yoursite.php" paragraph. You may want to move this wrapper
script into a password protected subdirectory (say "/wikiadmin/index.php")
or just include("fragments/funcs/auth.php").

Another wrapper script should then be provided for the users that are only
allowed to view pages. To disallow editing you'll just have to enrich it
with commands like:

 unset($ewiki_plugins["action"]["edit"]);       # disables editing
 unset($ewiki_plugins["action"]["info"]);       # no info/ action
 unset($ewiki_plugins["page"]["SearchPages"]);  # no search function

This code must occur after you have 'included("ewiki.php");' the library,
but before you call the 'ewiki_page();' function, so the unwanted actions
and pages really do not get activated.

So far the basic approach. If you however have real user authentication
code behind the scenes you probably don't want to maintain two different
wrapper scripts. You'll then just put the functionality stripping code
from above into an if-clause in "yoursite.php" like:

 if (! $user_is_logged_in) {
   unset($ewiki_plugins["action"]);   # (you should do it less destructive ;)

Note: this is again an example. DO NOT copy&paste examples and assume
they'll work for you!
prev << "The two modes of operation (_protected_mode and _flat_real_mode)"
next >> "PhpWiki compatibility"

You cannot modify the README file, but anyhow any ideas or suggestion should as usually get filed on BugReports, UserSuggestions or even better the README.Discussion.