Transition from another WikiWare+If you choosed ewiki to replace an already existing wiki script on your site, you should first think about, that the syntax/WikiMarkup isn't equal across all Wikis. There are a few markup extension plugins, that may help you around this, but beware that transition with a larger collection of WikiPages+ won't be very easy. The best way to import the old WikiPages+ to ewiki, is to first export it using the tools of the previous WikiWare+. You can then just put the produced text/plain PageSource+ into "init-pages/", because all files found therein (note, that there shouldn't be any file name extension like .txt) are feed directly into the ewiki database, when ewiki is run for the very first time (when the EWIKI_PAGE_INDEX+ is not found in the db). There is a "plugins/db/phpwiki13.php" which may be useful in first trying ewiki, but it is not recommended to use it for daily work. Speaking of PhpWiki+ you could also use the "tools/t_convertdb.php" to import (and markup convert) all pages from PhpWiki+ to the ewiki database format.prev << "PhpWiki compatibility" next >> "Idea Collection" You cannot modify the README file, but anyhow any ideas or suggestion should as usually get filed on BugReports, UserSuggestions or even better the README.Discussion. |