

This is the main documentation for ewiki. It tries to describes the basics,
and how to set it up. More detailed explanations on other issues are
separated out into the README.config, README.plugins, README.fragments
and INTERNALS files, and into the doc/ directory.
(Once you have the Wiki running, you could also read this file in hypertext

        1 What is this?
      1.1 Why "ErfurtWiki"?
    1.1.1 Unique Features
    1.1.2 WikiAlternatives+
      1.2 Project Pages
    1.2.1 Obtaining Support
    1.2.2 License
    1.2.3 Authors

        2 HowTo+
      2.1 Integration with yoursite.php
    2.1.1 What to do if images don't work
      2.2 Creating a "config.php"
      2.3 flat file database
      2.4 tarball directoy structure

        3 other/advanced integration issues
      3.1 Generation of a "monsterwiki.php" script
      3.2 Supplying the WikiPageName+
    3.2.1 mod_rewrite or PATH_INFO
    3.2.2 use with the 404 trick
      3.3 Security considerations
    3.3.1 PHP settings (register_globals)
    3.3.2 The two modes of operation (_protected_mode and _flat_real_mode)
      3.4 simple usage restrictions via wrappers (a locked PersonalWiki+)
      3.5 PhpWiki+ compatibility
    3.5.1 Transition from another WikiWare+
      3.6 Idea Collection
    3.6.1 Multiple Wikis / InterWiki+ feature abuse

        4 Tweaking (your own wiki markup and CSS)
      4.1 Customizing ewiki_format()
      4.2 Customization using CSS
      4.3 user style classes in pages
      4.4 rendered page content
      4.5 pages enclosed in style classes
      4.6 plugin output styling

        5 Explanations
      5.1 Binary and Text content
    5.1.1 Image Uploading
    5.1.2 Images Caching
    5.1.3 Image WikiMarkup
    5.1.4 binary_store, direct access
    5.1.5 Arbitrary Binary Content
      5.2 $action and $id
    5.2.1 ewiki URLs

        6 Appendix
      6.1 Apache config
      6.2 PHP config
      6.3 error numbers

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You cannot modify the README file, but anyhow any ideas or suggestion should as usually get filed on BugReports, UserSuggestions or even better the README.Discussion.