
You really should learn what the basic WikiMarkup can do for you, before you start to read about more complex features.

Image markup

Images can be inlined into a page using square brackets around the absolute www-address of the image file, like [http://www/image.png].

To align an image (define how the following text flows around it) one can add space characters inside the square brackets before and/or after its http://-address:

  • text flows around on the right [http://example.com/image.png ]
  • left aligned image [ http://example.com/image.png]
  • with spaces on the left and right, a image will display centred

One can also specify to which size a image shall be rescaled by the browser, if this is added as parameters with a query string like appendation; for example [http://www.example.com/image.png?x=200&y=100] would scale the image to 200 pixels width and 100 pixels height. One can also use width= and height= parameters to do so.


Instead of linking from page to page, one can also create inner page links using so called anchors. Anchors are defined and referenced using the hash sign inside square brackets. [#anchorname] for example creates an anchor, to reference it one must put the page name in front of the hash sign, like [ThisPage#anchorname].

Requiring a pagename in front of the anchor name to reference to it is some overhead but the only senseful way to create valid links. So to create links to an anchor on the current page one must write [CurrentPage#anchor]. But there is also the special dot notation, which allows to write [.#anchor] for a jump to an anchor inside of the current page.

Anchors and anchor references can and should also be entitled using quotation marks or the dash sign:

  • [#anchor "Title for this anchor"].
  • [anchors title | #anchor2]

If you ever happen to have a page name including the hash # sign as part of its name, then you must escape this one by appending another hash at the end of links to that page, like [PageAboutThe#Sign#] for example.

Please also note, that this behaviour is configurable, so defining anchors and referencing them may work differently on other sites.


To create a footnote {{ a footnote can contain additional information snippets}} use double curly brackets. Usually creating a new page to explain something in more detail is a much better approach, so the footnotes extension is a plugin in ErfurtWiki and thus not available per default.


  • a WikiWord will form a hyperlink
  • any valid www-address like http://www.example.com/ will do too
  • many nonvalid addresses will do too, see file://localhost/etc/passwd
  • square brackets around text+ makes a hyperlink
    • adding (more) [square brackets around it+] is more [[[intuitive+]]] than with other wikis
    • a [title | for square bracket links ] can be added using the | character
      • the title should be on the left to the linked WikiWord
      • but for ewiki it can be on either side, because a http://www can be easily distinguished
    • a ["title" for square bracket links] can also be assigned using quotation marks
      • the title inside the quotation marks can be on either side of the ["..." wiki link] or [http:// "URL"]
      • you can use this too for image links
      • this scheme is useful, but incompatible with other WikiSoftware
  • the ! exclamation mark or the tilde ~ can be used to escape a !WikiWord or a !http://www.address.net/ and of course escapes ![square brackets] as easily
    • this is more understandable than escaping with "[" like in other wikis (like PhpWiki)
  • instead of square brackets, one may utilize the ^ character to make a ^wikilink+ of NotBumpyWords


  • one can create lists by writing an asterisk at the beginning of a line
    1. or enumerated lists by using a hash sign instead
    2. instead of the asterisk the - minus character can be used sometimes
  • definition lists can be created using :: at the line start or as sublist
    another description
  • there are some more rules
    1. lists should be separated with an empty line from other text
    2. put a space behind the list bullet (*, #, -, ::)
    3. a space in front of a list bullet escapes it (the line won't become a list entry)


Every block of text (without empty lines) will form a paragraph.

Text can be indented using spaces or TABs at the start of a line. Lists, Tables and headlines cannot be indented. (Indentation is counted in steps of nearly 3 spaces.)

You can right align text by using two minus characters at the beginning of a line, which is often used to sign a bracket of text.

-- author

Text style

  • text can be made bold or bold
  • or italic
  • big and small
  • upset

But there exist equivalents in old style WikiMarkup:

  • bold
  • bold and italic

And most of these things can be combined.

hidden comments

  • you can add hidden comments to your page
    • users just viewing the page won't notice it
    • it can only be seen, when the page gets edited
  • click on EditThisPage to see, how the standard HTML comment escape is used for this


page blocks


There can be some special areas within a Wiki page. And they are often enclosed in so called <block> tags, which look much like the ones of HTML. You however must write them all-lowercase, or else they won't work.

PRE-formatted text

If you wish text to appear as you type it - that is, all spaces remain where they are, and lines stay as long as you inserted it - then you need a block of "pre-formatted" text.

  • use the <pre> ... </pre> 'tags' for a paragraph of preformatted text, that still allowed to use WikiWords and simple markup
  • with <code>...</code> instead you would really see text as you typed it, with square brackets and other escapes not garbaging your text
   This    fragment is        a  pre-formatted

inline HTML

Per default most HTML won't work in a Wiki (using the rescuehtml plugin at least the simple tags would be allowed). So to use HTML in a Wiki page, it must be specifically configured (the _DB_F_HTML flag) or this needed to be globally allowed for your Wiki.

  • you can however designate blocks of HTML using
    • <html>...</html> (all lowercase!)
    • <htm>...</htm> which still allowed WikiWords and most markup

in-page plugins (macros)

If configured, this wiki also allows to activate plugins inside of pages, which are called MpiPlugins.